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May表示“许可、准许”。例如:You may enjoy the buffet provided by competition organizer.(你可以享用由赛事主办方提供的自助餐。)
May也可以表示“可能、也许”。例如:I may have forgotten to keep you updated about the new decisions made by the board. (我可能忘记告诉你董事会的最新决定了。)

Should亦有许多意思。可以表示“应该、应该”。例如:You should have given me a heads up warning me the teacher was around.(你本应该提醒我一下老师就在附近。)
Should也可以用作猜测,意为“可能,大概”。例如:She should be exhausted to death after all the travelling.(经过这番旅行,她肯定累死了。)
Should最高级的用法,就是它作为“万一、竟然”解释的时候了。说它高级是因为不仅牵扯到情态动词,还有相关虚拟语气的知识需要了解。例如:If she should betray us and claim all the credits for herself, I would have to reveal all the hidden truth that people don’t know.(如果她背叛我们,宣称功劳都是她自己的,那我不得不公开不为人知的事实。)

Would作为情态动词最基本的意思是表达意愿,意为“愿意,要”。例如:I told her a million times that he is a player, but she just wouldn’t listen. No wonder she was hurt so badly this time.(我告诉她一万遍了那个男孩是个花花公子,她就是不听。这次她不难过才怪呢。)
Would也有一个大家不熟悉的用法,意为“过去常常……”。例如:I remember during the first several months after grandmother’s passing away, my mother would stare at our family photo for hours.(我记得外婆去世的头几个月里,妈妈常常盯着我们的全家福看,一看就是几小时。)
