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“I used to say I am wet when I meant to say I am sweating”当你出汗的时候,你身上确实湿了。但是你不能说“I am wet”,因为这不是同样的意思。

混淆了“confusing”,“well”和“good”:“我的英语不是很好”。这表示一个人的英语水平较差。语言不能用差来形容。这句句子要用“good”而不是“well”。例如,“My English is not very good”.


• The microphone didn’t work and the network wasn’t very well. (麦克风不能使用了,网络连接不太好)

• Teacher Tarryn is very nice and fill with patience. Like to help students. Thank you! (Tarryn老师非常好,很有耐心,乐于帮助学生。谢谢你!)

• Very thanks to Tarryn(非常感谢Tarryn)

• You did teach us very eagerly. (你教得很好)

• Teacher speaks faster.(老师说得比较快)

• You teach me very easily and understandable. (你教得很好,容易理解)

• Good exchanges with Tarryn teaching method. I could improve new expressions and English attitude. (Tarryn老师的教学方法很有效,帮助我提高了表达能力,改变了英语学习的态度。)

• I like the teacher very much, because she always listen our speaking very carefully and give the corrections to us.(我非常喜欢这位老师,因为她经常很耐心地听我们讲,并帮助我们改正)

• I can understand her speech. (我可以理解她的话)

• It is my first time join this talking class because of weak voice, others can’t hear my voice.(这是我第一次参加这个交流班,但是由于声音很低,别人听不到我的声音)

• 'If show the some talking index in preparation movie, that is easy for our prepare the information to talk with teacher'. (如果在演讲视频中可以看到对话索引,这对于我们要与老师交流内容就更容易了)

